'WikiLeaks Project K sleeping danger to US PR'
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Published on Apr 9, 2013
Ensconced in the Ecuadorian Embassy for over nine months, but still fighting to open the lid on global politics. Julian Assange has released over 1.7 million US diplomatic cables from the 1970s - which he has dubbed the most-significant geopolitical publication ever - READ MORE http://on.rt.com/3ljhfx
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Top Comments
Chase TEX 4 days ago
Because U.S citizens are very easily manipulated through social propaganda.
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AmauryPenseur 4 days ago
Americans are the weakest people and the biggest slaves in this world because of their naivety. They never stand-up against corporations or the government. They still believe in the American dream, lmao.
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All Comments (272)
MrAthanz 1 hour ago
Shut up
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Davros Dalek 1 day ago
AJ is now a cksucker news show that now sucks up to the US. At first I had high hopes and hoped AJ would be up there with RT News, but they have been bought out via the elites. The elites now own AJ now (behind the scenes) just like they do the regular mainstream news media such as CBS, MSNBC, CNN,Fox etc. I take what AJ says on TV with a pinch of salt now and rarely watch it.
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tedskam 1 day ago
stupid goddam flag wavin pickup truck drivin Murican heroes.
America aint what you believe it is cletus.
Never was. Dont bother readin any more glenn beck books telling us how to "take america back"
It never was.
THIS, is what america was formed for. Exactly what you see it doing today. Waging war in every corner of the earth, because it wants to.
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tedskam 1 day ago
goddam idjit.
We didnt save ANYBODY, you dammed historical ignoramus. WE allowed Hitler to gain power, WE (teddy roosevelt) told japan to take the whole of the S. pacific , and not only would we give our blessings, but every goddam supply they needed to do so.
We funded both the british and the german side of the war for the first few years. and by "we" , I mean the real power that runs this country. the military industrial complex.
You know, what Eisenhower warned about as he left office.
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alienbaroque 2 days ago
Both Qatar and Saudi Arabia are married together--they're both brutal Sunni petro-monarchies. Everything they do, they do in tandem, doesn't matter if it's Al-Jazeera or the funding of the so-called "Free Syrian Army." Saudi Arabia, however, is the more powerful. To say Qatar is in sole control is false; so you're wrong. Saudi Arabia the *bigger head on the hydra*; the two countries are completely enmeshed; they're interests (Salfasim, Sunni monarchy, petrodollar, as USA satrapes) are the same.
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Tom John 2 days ago
I am glad its being exposed, but why just ours? Foreigners are so eager to blame the big bad U.S., but you get what you ask for. The only reason we are a super power is because we had to save your asses from tyrannical regimes (that you voted in place) in world war two. I, as well as anyone I know, hate big government, and fight against it. But for those who speak ill my people, I invite you come to the rural Midwest to see how weak and slave-like we are. Don't bother packing, just bring a box..
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Michael Shipley 2 days ago
It seems like RT is dedicated solely to exposing only US govt corruption and thats fine because its true, but its hypocritical. The former USSR was far worse and Russia today is far from perfect to put it mildly.
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Michael Shipley 2 days ago
Has anyone leaked docs of USSR atrocities on their own people and their infiltration of countries like Vietnam, middle east, etc?
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MilleniumRod5000 . 2 days ago
That does not make sense.
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