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Anthromod MK2 3D-Printed Robotic Hands: Terminators Set to Arise Next Year

May 31st, 2012 by: Range

This 3D-printed robotic hand is fully articulated and even has an opposable thumb. It’s called the MK2 from Anthromod and I’m sure that Skynet is pretty happy that we’re doing its bidding already.

anthromod articulated 3d printed robotic hand

The MK2 robotic hand is printed as a single piece, including the hinges. This means that the build doesn’t require any assembly. The tendons were strung using microfiber connected to servo motors to make movement possible. The video below is from the earlier MK1 hand, but should give you a pretty good idea how well it works.

You can purchase the MK2 hand for yourself on Anthromod’s shop on Shapeways for about $200 per hand or around $375 for a pair, and you can still get the earlier MK1 hand for as little as $133 each. Anthromod plans on adding more kits, as well as building a forearm system. That could only mean that a complete 3D printed robot isn’t far behind, and Skynet will be able to generate an army just by clicking “Print…”

anthromod articulated 3d printed robotic hand close up

You can check out further progress on the Anthromod development blog.

[via designboom]

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