National Robotics Week to Engulf the Nation

National Robotics Week to Engulf the Nation

If John Connor from Terminator Series was to be believed then one day robots would take over the world and “Skynet”, their so-called head would diminish humans from the face of the earth. But every year throughout the nation, there comes a time when the love of robots brings people from all walks of lives to the National Robotics Week. It is a time when Organizer of the event showcase the modern capabilities of robots and inspire the nation's young to learn the skills necessary to build the next generation of machines.

With the advancement of the technology, the dependency of humans on robots has increased. The technology has developed so much in leaps and bounds that there is drastic chance in the looks as well as competence of the robots.

National Robotics Week was embarked three years ago by iRobot and other companies and research groups to gather some interest in people regarding robotics. There are other nations like Japan that are way ahead in educational grounds, which is why there was a dire need to catch up to them. Then best way was to start an event that would inspire U. S. students to focus on the fields critical to the future.

It is very remarkable to seen an object do things that you indent it to do. Nancy Dussault Smith, vice president of marketing at iRobot, was also of the view that robots are in fact the future which is why it is very important to ensure that there is awareness among people especially kids who could be inspired to see the possibilities. It would help humans become more productive, continue advances in health care and make businesses run more effectively.

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