A Veterans for Peace UK film, directed by Price James, written by Darren Cullen, featuring Matt Berry
Full credits.



Write to your MP and ask them to put a stop to child recruitment in the British armed forces. You can use the online form on the right to send a email to your MP. However a hand-written or printed letter will get even more attention.

MPs tend to judge that a huge number of other constituents share the same concern if they receive just one letter on a certain issue.



1. Keep your letter short and concise. You can take points from The Facts page to support your argument.

2. Ask your MP whether they will support your call for the UK Armed Forces to stop recruiting from age 16 and to raise the minimum age for recruitment to 18, like most of the rest of the world.

3. Tell them that it is army policy to channel the youngest and poorest new recruits into the most dangerous army jobs.

4. Refer them to the Veterans for Peace briefing: ‘Army channels youngest and poorest to the front line’ by linking to it here [LINK] (Right click + 'Copy link address') or print and enclose a hard copy.

5. Ask your MP to pass on your concerns to the relevant minister in the Ministry of Defence calling on them to raise the age of recruitment to 18 and to make sure that 16 and 17 year olds are not given frontline combat jobs.

6. It'd be helpful, but not essential, if you can let Veterans for Peace know that you’ve sent the letter and also any reply you get.

Write to your MP


Address for paper letters:

[Your MP name],
House of Commons,

You should get a reply from the minister in two or three weeks, with a covering note from your MP. Replying to this letter can add even more pressure to the campaign and really make MPs and ministers take note, but anything you can do will help make a difference.

From 'Join the Army' by Darren Cullen

Veterans for Peace UK

Veterans For Peace UK is an ex-services organisation of men and women who have served in every war that Britain has fought since WW2.
Our work involves:
  1. Educating young people on the true nature of military service and war.
  2. Resisting war and militarism through nonviolent action.
  3. Standing in solidarity with people resisting militarism and war.
We exist in the hope of convincing people that war is not the answer to the problems of the 21st century.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Youtube


Veterans For Peace UK have a number of members with a wide range of military experience who run workshops in schools and universities.

The focus of our workshop is to offer an honest insight into military life and warfare.

We are in the process of expanding this program to enable more veterans to visit more schools.

For more information and to book a visit email coord@vfpuk.org or fill out the form on the VFPUK website.

Veterans for Peace UK educational workshops


Exhibition / Film Screening
24th JUNE - 2nd JULY 2015
12 noon - 8pm every day

Red Gallery
1-3 Rivington Street, London EC2A 3DT.

Facebook event

From the 24th June, the Action Man dolls and play sets, as well as the film itself will be on display at Red Gallery, London.

School groups welcome. Please get in contact if you would like a member of Veterans for Peace to talk to the students about their experiences in the military, and help put the film in context.


A Veterans for Peace UK film.
Written by Darren Cullen.
Directed by Price James.
Produced by Agile Films.
Full credits.

4 Comments on “

  1. Now I am a US marine, so my signature on your petitions wont do any good. But I like what you’re doing. I just got back from afghanistan where I had the pleasure of serving with some of your commandos. Now folks are saying “oh boy, we really should go re-invade iraq.” It seems to me like there is a pretty big disconnect between the people and what war actually means. Most media I see on it is usually a toss up between “call of duty” and “american sniper” war porn and an orwellian “we’re winning” chant by the news that depicts a very sanitized and propagandized version of what goes on. When they even bother to mention it that is.

    Folks get considerably less comfortable talking about how we are gonna deal with vets who have no employment and 5 year waitlines for treatment, assuming some overworked quack doesnt just shovel opiates at em until the only way out they can think of is to suck-start a revolver in the shower.

    Just wanted to let yall know that we yanks can sympathize with how crappy things are. Hope your idea works out and gets something done.

    1. Thanks for the comment…you are part of the same mechanism as us – just based on the other side of the big pond, I know the USA has its own legacy of young men who followed the call as it were. and paid the price, only to be left dangling. I did it myself here in UK.
      We must push this message to our young men that its not glorious to die for some lying politicians.
      I refuse to attend rememberance day parades any more in my commando Beret – because I dont want some young lad looking at me , smartly snapping to attention alongside my fellow vets and him thinking “it must be great to be like these guys” cos it aint.
      Semper Fi

  2. I’m a student from Canada, and I just want to say thank you for working towards peace. You are inspiring.
    Keep trying.

  3. I am so proud of you people. I am from the U.S; a former U.S. Marine and Vietnam veteran. I was in the UK, working with the Stop the War Coalition in in 2005-6. At the time I was with the U.S. Veterans for Peace. I met with several vets during my stay and tried to help organize a UK VFP. I can’t tell you how happy I am to see what you have done. I only regret it took so many casualties, and so many ruined lives. I wish you the best. I miss my friends over there, and hope to come back some day for an extended stay.

    Please be well. Peace.

    Wes Hamilton

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