George Shultz and Vicente Fox on Ending the War on Drugs

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Uploaded by on Nov 15, 2011

This video was presented at the Cato Institute's conference, "Ending the Global War on Drugs." Former Secretary of State George Shultz and former Mexican president Vicente Fox present their thoughts on the War on Drugs and its consequences.

This video was presented at the Cato Institute's conference, "Ending the Global War on Drugs."

Vicente Fox interview by Caleb O. Brown. Edited by Austin Bragg.

George Shultz statement shot and edited by Nick Tucker.


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  • Here how you win the war on drugs:

    1) Money buys drugs so burn all money.

    2) People will barter if they can't buy drugs with money. So destroy anything that can be bartered.

    3) People will still find a way to get drugs. So just start killing people.

    4) Be oblivious to all the damage you just done.

  • This is a SMART MAN!!!

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  • I think there is general agreement the drug war has failed but I think Schultz has a more realistic approach that Fox although I can understand his obvious anger at the U.S. Govt failure to reduce demand.

  • Fox didn't start the drug on wars you idiot, it was the fucktard of Calderon

  • hahaha are you serious?? He advanced us a TON!! He even made the world know were not a small weak country he advanced out military he tried to make Nuclear bombs he wanted us to send troops to Afghanistan he wanted us to be known he wanted the world to know we are MEXICO and not some broken up country and when did you see people dead in the streets when he was president?? so dont tell me to shut up if you dont know wtf your talking about

  • yeah and now helped put back the PRI in los pinos you should just close ur mouth, the narco grew, not advance the economy, not invested in education, did not generate the jobs that would create the second, became a millionaire at the end of their management so do not say stupid things

  • legalize marijuana you old hartless white dipshits that control our government. Who are you to criminalize pot when beer is legal.

  • how??? he broke the PRI shit and he made the country advance A LOT!! 

  • he was a horrible president

  • Fox was an incredible president!!

  • Chut up chachalaca¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

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