Tuesday 10 May 2011, 18:42
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Thursday 28 April 2011, 15:53
Thursday 16 June 2011, 19:00
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Comment number 1.
Henry10th May 2011 - 18:44
Excellent Adam, unfortunately I now live in Berlin, so I will revert to some other illegal method to watch this new series that obviously raises a loaded gun to the head of consumer capitalism.
Another thing, you did a blog entry called "Weird in Waziristan", which you ended "to be continued". I would love to see the next segment.
Cant wait.
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Comment number 2.
towncryer11th May 2011 - 0:17
Good stuff Adam. I've set my 'vision box' to store it on my 'raid server'.
Have you looked at archive.org at all Adam? There is some brilliant footage on their that screams Adam Curtis.
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Comment number 3.
onwhosplanet11th May 2011 - 13:05
Really look forward to this one, seems to address a lot of my recent thinking about.
I can fully understand the dash to the countryside by many seeking a 'simpler' life, from my own experience I know I love when I can turn off the phone, power down the pc and all other similar gadgets - it's such a relief to be away from the constant barrage of information, requests (emails) and issues (more emails). I'm not entirely sure how people can digest the streams and streams of data coming through on sites like Facebook and Twitter - it pains my head just to think about, it's almost like your brain has to distinguish within seconds whether to disregard or consume the new snippet (of usually irrelevant) info. This only leads to the increasingly lost 'step back and ponder' way of thinking and the growing impatience of people, at least in my experience.
Previously working in a big office, I enjoyed watching fellow employees when their computers were starting up or loading, a condition that seemed to grow through the years. Rather than sitting back and enjoying the enforced free time (3-5 minutes sometimes), they'd tap and fidget irrepressibly, desperate for their machines to be in a state ready for use, something I found very interesting. They would then quite happily waste this time at other points during the day but I guess they then felt they were in control of the 'free time' rather than the machine deciding some 'free time' onto them.
I'm confident it won't but would love if any mention is made to the noise levels of computers and their ilk, I find it such a drain on the mental thought process. It drives me bonkers, acting like a constant cloud over your thinking, I have no past experiece but I imagine much like mind numbing anti-depressent drugs have in dulling the production of ideas (tongue-in-cheek..). Easily the most important thing to me when buying a piece of electrical equipment these days is how much noise it makes!
Finally, does anyone know whether this DVD on Amazon is legit http://bit.ly/mqXC0K ? I contacted the BBC shop about buying any of Adam's great documentaries but was told none were for sale (maybe due to the sample clearance of video clips?). I know of a few places to watch online but, and in relation to some of the points above, I don't want to turn on a computer every time I want to watch them.
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Comment number 4.
onwhosplanet11th May 2011 - 13:08
That was my first post, sorry for the poort spelling and structure! Pretty tough without an edit function and a tiny little box to write in..
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Comment number 5.
Jonathan Pelham11th May 2011 - 13:41
Can't help noticing the Brautigan reference in the post title.
And can't wait for a new documentary series. I've exhausted your backlist.
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Comments 5 of 324