RT @AJBousquet: The US military is responsible for almost all the technology in your iPhone
RT @cnnasiapr: The rise of the killer and why we need to stop
RT @the_intercept: Drones and IBM: where the technologies of assassination and corporate sales converge
De 1974 à l’an cinq milliards, l’histoire du monde vue par la science-fiction
Étudier Terminator @lundimat1
The Drone Papers
RT @RidT: “What is Tor?” — explained by Islamic State, for better OPSEC, using EFF material, via @gcaw
RT @avilarenata: Stephen Hawking Says We Should Really Be Scared Of Capitalism, Not
RT @PengBerlin: And also this campaign by former Military urging drone operators to refuse to fly
RT @wikileaks: Google changes coduct code from:
“don’t be evil” “do the right thing–follow the law”