Tom Cruise to Fight Drones in ’Top Gun’ Sequel
RT @taffyakner: I will tell you over DM who the Prada sneakers guy is if you My profile of David Ellison is up @GQMagazine
RT @icracnet: Killer robots are coming next: The next military-industrial complex will involve real-life Terminators
RT @wikileaks: Action Man: Battlefield Casualties via @vfpukMore:
RT @trevortimm: Who has creepier facial recognition technology: Facebook, Google, random advertisers on the street, or the FBI?
On Nicknaming Predators
Guest Post: Is it ethical to use data from Nazi medical experiments?
RT @wikileaks: Spiderman can’t be gay or black — secret Sony contract
@arnold “Now you have machines telling you where to
As Stress Drives Off Drone Operators, Air Force Must Cut Flights