@meganeellison says someone in the freakin 1%
What are the democrats doing with this Sanders shit? @HillaryClinton is the only rational vote on either side of this election.
@bown@meganeellison But if Susan Sarandon or Michael Moore say it, they're geniuses? Respectfully: get a better argument.0 retweets 3 likes -
@TVMoJoe it's not a poor argument to suggest someone who doesn't know what it's like to struggle wouldn't understand Sanders' appeal.1 retweet 6 likes - View other replies
@bown don't think she said she didn't get his appeal; she just commented on Clinton's overwhelming qualifications vs the field0 retweets 0 likes -
@bown that said: lots of folks found Bobby Kennedy (and JFK!) inspiring and empathetic to progressive change. Ditto FDR. All aristocrats0 retweets 0 likes -
@TVMoJoe "wtf is this Sanders shit" is pretty definitive to me. I'm not at all totally against Hillary, I just find that attitude insulting.1 retweet 8 likes - View other replies
@bown I also think what you're hearing from HRC partisans is frustration that Bernie's movement has become, to many in its ranks...0 retweets 1 like - View other replies
@bown a jihad against HRC, and one which equates her as no Diff'rent than the GOP. THAT is what rankles.0 retweets 2 likes - View other replies
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@meganeellison@ChloeGMoretz a bit disappointed in this. I’d like to know why you think so, both of you.1 retweet 31 likes - View other replies
@Tuism@meganeellison@ChloeGMoretz U wish ...else bernbros not working so hard to manhandle@HillaryClinton#ImWithHerso back up boys
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@vickijee the only reason I’ve ever heard anyone say they support@HillaryClinton is because gender. Sigh.@meganeellison@ChloeGMoretz0 retweets 17 likes -
@vickijee If you had any non-gender, material reasons it would be nice to actually talk about it.@meganeellison@ChloeGMoretz0 retweets 11 likes -
@Tuism 1. She's the most experience person to run for the job in at least 30 years. 2. She's smart as hell. 3. As First Lady...0 retweets 1 like -
@Tuism ...she could've picked some innocuous pet project like literacy but instead fought to get universal health care. 4. When that failed0 retweets 0 likes -
@Tuism she didn't get bitter and retreat; she worked with Ted Kennedy to get CHP passed. 5. Obama trusted her and still does. Matters to me0 retweets 1 like -
@Tuism 6. She's been the target of a 20-year smear campaign by the right and keeps bouncing back. 7. She learns from her mistakes0 retweets 0 likes - Show more
@meganeellison@ChloeGMoretz Completely disagree. Sanders is for helping everyone, Clinton is all about appeasing those who get her in power2 retweets 44 likes -
@meganeellison@ChloeGMoretz Also weird you say this when Sanders/Clinton agree on 95% of things1 retweet 29 likes
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