Behind Google's image as the over-friendly giant of global tech

Nobody wants to acknowledge that Google has grown big and bad. But it has. Schmidt's tenure as CEO saw Google integrate with the shadiest of US power structures as it expanded into a geographically invasive megacorporation...

Google is watching you

As Google enlarges its industrial surveillance cone to cover the majority of the world's population... Google was accepting NSA money to the tune of...

Google spends more on Washington lobbying than leading military contractors

Google entered the lobbying rankings above military aerospace giant Lockheed Martin, with a total of $18.2 million spent in 2012. Boeing and Northrop Grumman also came below the tech...

Transcript of secret meeting between Julian Assange and Google's Eric Schmidt...

Assange: We wouldn't mind a leak from Google, which would be, I think, probably all the Patriot Act requests... Schmidt: Which would be [whispers] illegal... Assange: Tell your general counsel to argue...

Eric Schmidt and the State Department-Google nexus

It was at this point that I realized that Eric Schmidt might not have been an emissary of Google alone... the delegation was one part Google, three parts US foreign-policy establishment... We called the State Department front desk and told them that Julian Assange wanted to have a conversation with Hillary Clinton....

From "Beyond Good and Don't Be Evil"

If the future of the internet is to be Google, that should be of serious concern to people all over the world... for whom the internet embodies the promise of an alternative to US cultural, economic, and strategic hegemony. A "don't be evil" empire is still an empire...

Why is the privacy movement so pro-Google?

Even the most committed privacy campaigners have an unacknowledged addiction to easy-to-use, privacy-destroying amenities like Gmail and Facebook... They make the false assumption that profit-driven multinational corporations partake more of the spirit of democracy than the government does...

From Silicon Valley to Death Valley

Google, which started out as an expression of independent Californian graduate student culture, has thrown its lot in with traditional Washington power elements, from the State Department to the National Security Agency.

"We wouldn't mind a leak from Google"

Assange: We wouldn't mind a leak from Google, which would be, I think, probably all the Patriot Act requests... Schmidt: Which would be [whispers] illegal... Assange: Tell your general counsel to argue that we should be told...